One way to look at it is that living is the elongated preparation for dying.
You have probably heard that your life flashes before your eyes, and that is true, but it’s only a small part of the final moments. Your life becomes not yours anymore. Your neck insatiably aches. Imagine the most perfect question. Imagine it humming at the top of your throat, its wings flapping so that they form a blurry moiré. A question like a levitating manor home.
You enter the question. You have as long as you need to answer. So don’t be worried. You can take your time. It’s a slow bridge. The last second.
They say your life will flash before your eyes, and that is true. And it’ll be different for everyone. If you are a song then let yourself play. For me it’s a girl (somehow a flower), a girl holding her dad’s hand. She has dirty blonde hair and she’s so little and she’s standing in the most idyllic front yard, with a fence and with a verdant, green lawn and a brick surround and trees behind that and a sky even above it all. You can actually hear her laugh in the midst of the wind whooshing and that laugh rips me into floating charcoal shreds, it ripples and ricochets into me and across the gleaming pavement. The echo never seems to leave.
There is no need for me to protect my question, I think, it’s yours, take it if you want it. I don’t think it’s the type of thing you can own. I doubt I even want it anyway. Take it! Mi pregunta es tu pregunta:
Imagine what you want living inside you like a parasite, imagine your desire taking up residence in your terminal ileum, where it whispers to you that you have until sundown to answer, that you have exactly one last millisecond, that there is a blockage of puss and scar-tissue welling up in your right aortic artery, a buildup accumulated from the persistent overuse of your heart, which is about to burst. The girl you love is laughing and holding your hand. You hear the inverse sound of a ticking clock...
You drop to your knees, and lo! You make your choice. You lift your eyes and listen.